
Baptism is the way we make public our personal Christian commitment. Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan at the start of his ministry, and ever since, Christians have baptised new believers as the sign of their own commitment to Christian discipleship.

Can I be baptised at one of the churches in the Saxonwell Group?

At baptism, a person is baptised into the fellowship of the local church. The congregation greet that person at the service and promise to help and support them as they grow in the christian faith. Therefore the person being baptised should either live in the parish of one of the Saxonwell Group of Churches or be part of a family who are regular members of the Congregation. There is no right age to be baptised and we welcome both children and adults. Baptism services can take place as part of one of our normal services or at a time to suit you. 


Baptism of children and infants.

Every child is special both to parents and to God and in Baptism we welcome a new child of faith into the family of “God’s people”, rejoicing in what God has done for us.  The birth of a child is one of those special moments in our life when we pause and think about what is important to us and how we want to live.  Baptism marks the start of our own personal journey in the Christian faith, regardless of age. Young children are unable to express their own wishes about being baptised, nor can they make promises to follow Christ that are required at baptism.The promises, therefore, are made on the child’s behalf by parents and godparents. Godparents are friends chosen by the parents to help bring up children in the Christian faith until they can make the promises themselves at a service of confirmation. There are normally three godparents, often two of the same gender as the child and one of the opposite gender. The godparents should ideally be at least baptised and  preferably confirmed.  Baptism is open for people of all ages, from newborns to nineties, and no matter your age, we would love to celebrate your faith with you! Baptisms for adults are also available.

How can I arrange a baptism?

If you are thinking about baptism (either for yourself or your child) then we would be delighted to meet with you.  In the Group we try to make the services as personal as possible, with as much input from you as possible, from the choice of hymns to picking the bible reading.  It is also particularly special when family or friends take part in the service, (eg reading the prayers). Please email: or complete the Baptism Enquiry Form

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