Holy Trinity, Allington

West Allington church is a beautiful small church well worth a visit, you will find th church open from Palm Sunday to Harvest

Holy Trinity church seats approximately one hundred people comfortably although more can be accommodated on occasions.  

We are thankful for the help and support we receivefrom the wider village inhelping us look after the church.

Fund raising events include a fete on the Village Green in summer, a Christmas Bazaar in the Village Hall early December, together with monthly coffee mornings.

There is no shortage of flower arrangers or church cleaners throughout the year as a rota system operates smoothly. Allington can boast strong inter- dominational participation both in welcoming other churches in the diocese and also attending their ecumenical services.

There are two bells in the belfry, both in excellent working order. This can be verified by the inhabitants of Allington. 

Our services are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10.00am

Please contact us at saxonwellparishes@gmail.com 

To contact our wider team please see contact details here


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